The proposal is that the Adelaide Rd area is intensified as a mixed used area and seen as a secondary commercial district. The height limits along Adelaide Rd are set to 28m, which is suitable for the proposed new width of the road (any lower and this would look like a suburban strip not an avenue). At the edges of the Adelaide area the height limit drops to 16m.
The road itself is widened to 28m in this example, to accomodate a dedicated public transport right-of-way along the Eastern side, dedicated (safe) cycle lanes, and a 3-lane contraflow for vehicles. Should the 3-lanes be unnecessary (e.g. the proposed expressway in Package 1 is to be built) then 1-lane can be removed and used for a median and to widen other pedestrian sections.
The public transport ROW is on the sunny side of the street, along with a wider and more attractive pedestrian edge to allow for more activities, e.g. outdoor cafe seating, to develop as the area intensifies.
A network of lanes is reserved and overtime completed throughout the area to improve pedestrian links. A new small street is completed along the edge of Government House. This provides a visible border to Government House which can be planted and nicely fenced. During this process some land is reclaimed and developed into residential units. This can help fund all of these proposed improvements.
A new entrance to Government House is created on Adelaide Road itself.
NOTE: The current reserve on Adelaide Road allows 26.5m, however it is assumed the council will act quickly to ensure the further 1.5m necessary is reserved before redevelopments begin. Without this it will be difficult to provide all the necessary transport enhancements without making the street very bloody ugly. Or more likely something would go, e.g. cycle lanes, which would be stupid. It might even be sensible to take more than another 1.5m, but I assumed the Council would be against that.
Quick overview map and 3D sketch:
The Cambridge & Kent Tce elevation. A linear park is developed along the Eastern side, as this is the sunny side of the street. This allows pedestrian activities to occur such as outdoor cafe seating. The Light Rail ROW is on the eastern side also, as it can merge into the linear park quite attractively, and allows stops and such to be within the park itself. Also this side does not intersect with major streets (Vivian St, Abel Smith St extension) and all the SoCo lanes. Intersecting the Light Rail ROW with these streets would be more distruptive to traffic (both private and public).
It is thought that a notable feature could be the regeneration of the stream that runs below ground, linking this up with the stream at Waitangi Park when the New World is one-day demolished. Also the general theme of Waitangi Park could be used along the Linear Park to connect the areas (and to reflect the formerly swampy nature of parts of this area).
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